Gio and Kaylynn – Sonoma Wedding Photographer – Wedgewood Events – Rohnert Park, CA

Kaylynn and Gio were married at Wedgewood Wedding Center in Rohnert Park, CA. They have the cutest son together, who was the life of the party. That kid is packed with personality and will. He is adored. Kaylynn was telling me about her honeymoon, and we started talking about how you never vacation the same after having kids. When you go away without them, you miss them and think about how much fun they would be having. But when they’re with you, all you dream about is a nanny and sleeping in. Seriously, my husband and I’s dream vacation is getting a hotel room, laying in bed and binge watching tv.
Okay, back to the wedding. Did you guys check out Kaylynns hair?!?! It’s all hers! So gorgeous…a waterfall of curls.
The whole wedding party wore converse…not only cute but it saved the bridesmaid’s feet. If I had a nickel every time I heard a bridesmaid say her feet hurt, I’d be rich.
It was such a beautiful wedding…thank you guys for letting me photograph it. Have a great time on your honeymoon!